Saturday, November 10, 2012

Jurassic Park Is Being Re-Released... in 3D

 I am so excited for the re-release of Jurassic Park (due out April 5, 2013), even if it is in 3D. I usually hate 3D movies; I think the studios have latched onto the public's fascination with "3D" in order to make more money and the effect is gimmicky.  What makes it even worse is that the 3D movies being released these days aren't filmed with a 3D camera, they are converted haphazardly in post-production.

Anyway, enough with my 3D rant. The movie that changed my mind a tiny bit about 3D was Titanic, which was re-released in 3D this past April. Even though the movie wasn't originally filmed with a 3D camera, I think the conversion process was REALLY good. James Cameron's team spent about 14 months meticulously editing each frame of the film. Instead of having objects shoot out at you from the screen, the 3D element in the film gave the scenes depth. Here is a cool article about the Titanic 3D conversion process (Side note: Kate Winslet's dress is amazing and COULD be another main reason I am including this article in my blog). Titanic 3D Conversion

So, needless to say, I hope Steven Spielberg's team follows the path of Titanic. Instead of having the shaking green Jell-O hovering in front of your face, or the spit from the dinosaur who blinded Newman (Seinfeld reference) shooting at you, we will see depths of the scenes, things we may not have picked up on when the movie was first released in theaters.

Check out the trailer: Jurassic Park Trailer and if you want a real laugh, check out this video on YouTube of a guy trying to play the Jurassic Park Theme. Never fails to make me die laughing Funny Jurassic Park Clip

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